суббота, 10 октября 2015 г.

Ежегодная конференция Атеистического Альянса Америки (ААА) заслушает The Satanic Temple

В развитие поста:

15-18 октября 2015 в Атланте Штата Джорджия (США) состоится ежегодная конференция Атеистического Альянса Америки (ААА)

Об ААА см.:

The Satanic Temple's spokesperson, Lucien Greaves, will be speaking at this year's annual Atheist Alliance of America conference, October 15-18, 2015, at the Crowne Plaza Hotel in Atlanta, Georgia. Atheist Alliance has graciously agreed to allow a greatly discounted rate of $100 for the for attending TST members. This includes all daytime events, evening socials, and Saturday's award dinner (regularly $249).

Подробно об участии в конференции см.:

Состав участников конференции расширился представителями славянских стран: Inna Shevchenko is a Ukrainian born political activist, the president of FEMEN International, and a contributor to International Business Times and Huffington Post. She is the author of «Humanism for Children». She is also a renowned speaker, and her engagements have included the February 2015 Conference on Art, Blasphemy and Freedom of Speech in Copenhagen (attacked by a terrorist while she was speaking) and the Secularist Conference 2014, held in London and supported by Richard Dawkins.


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