воскресенье, 27 декабря 2015 г.

С 2018 право пользователей Интернета быть забытым восторжествует! На территории ЕС крупные интернет-порталы Европы и США обязаны запрашивать согласие на использование личных данных пользователей

15 декабря 2015 Еврокомиссия, Европарламент и 15 государств приняли реформу в сфере защиты пользовательских данных в Интернете. Эта реформа заменит правила, которые действовали с 1995

Правила см.:

С 2018 пользователи интернета получат больший контроль над своими личными данными в сети. Крупные интернет-порталы, например, Google и Facebook после введения новых правил должны будут спрашивать у пользователей согласие на использование их личных данных. Также пользователи получат право беспрепятственно стирать свои личные данные. Кроме того, станет проще переносить свои данные от одного интернет-провайдера к другому.

Новыми правилами должны будут руководствоваться не только европейские фирмы, но и компании из США и других стран мира, если они работают на территории ЕС. Нарушение прав пользователей на охрану их личных данных повлечет штраф в размере до 4% годового оборота компании. 

Подробно см.:

Дополнительно см. о модернизации авторских прав:

Фото http://www.pikore.com/

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    A fundamental right for citizens

    The reform will allow people to regain control of their personal data. Two-thirds of Europeans (67%), according to a recent Eurobarometer survey, stated they are concerned about not having complete control over the information they provide online. Seven Europeans out of ten worry about the potential use that companies may make of the information disclosed. The data protection reform will strengthen the right to data protection, which is a fundamental right in the EU, and allow them to have trust when they give their personal data.
    The new rules address these concerns by strengthening the existing rights and empowering individuals with more control over their personal data. Most notably, these include:
    - easier access to your own data: individuals will have more information on how their data is processed and this information should be available in a clear and understandable way;
    - a right to data portability: it will be easier to transfer your personal data between service providers;
    - aclarified "right to be forgotten": when you no longer want your data to be processed, and provided that there are no legitimate grounds for retaining it, the data will be deleted;
    - the right to know when your data has been hacked: For example, companies and organisations must notify the national supervisory authority of serious data breaches as soon as possible so that users can take appropriate measures.

    Clear modern rules for businesses

    In today's digital economy, personal data has acquired enormous economic significance, in particular in the area of big data. By unifying Europe's rules on data protection, lawmakers are creating a business opportunity and encouraging innovation.
    - One continent, one law: The regulation will establish one single set of rules which will make it simpler and cheaper for companies to do business in the EU.
    - One-stop-shop: businesses will only have to deal with one single supervisory authority. This is estimated to save €2.3 billion per year.
    - European rules on European soil– companies based outside of Europe will have to apply the same rules when offering services in the EU.
    - Risk-based approach: the rules will avoid a burdensome one-size-fits-all obligation and rather tailor them to the respective risks.
    - Rules fit for innovation: the regulation will guarantee that data protection safeguards are built into products and services from the earliest stage of development (Data protection by design). Privacy-friendly techniques such as pseudonomysation will be encouraged, to reap the benefits of big data innovation while protecting privacy.

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