четверг, 24 августа 2017 г.

ООН: Обзор системы руководства и управления во Всемирном почтовом союзе

Объединенная Инспекционная Группа ООН выпустила доклад, содержащий обзор системы руководства и управления во Всемирном почтовом Союзе (ВПС), который отражает весьма сложные условия, в которых функционирует организация, а также многочисленные проблемы, с которыми она сталкивается, в основном порожденных экономическими и технологическими разработками, фундаментальными изменениями рынка и ослаблением ее финансовой базы.

В течение последних лет организация претерпела несколько реформ, чтобы обеспечить ее оперативный потенциал и востребованность на рынке почтовых услуг. Объединенная Инспекционная Группа составила 10 официальных рекомендаций (шесть адресованы странам-членам Совета Администрации и четыре, адресованное Генеральному директору Международного Бюро, Секретариата организации). Эти рекомендации, а также ряд других предложений (неофициальные рекомендации), предназначены в первую очередь для поощрения эффективного управления, надзора и подотчетности, укрепления системы управления ВПС, а также повышения финансовой устойчивости организации.

Recommendation 1. The Director General should review the framework of the management, steering, institutional and other committees and boards, including their working procedures, to ensure synergy and complementarity, notably by publishing their respective terms of reference by the end of 2018. 

Recommendation 2. The Director General should consider further streamlining the structure of the International Bureau and examine, in particular, the consolidation of support functions (finance, human resources management and logistics) into one administration directorate and include such a proposal in the framework of the preparation of the Programme and Budget for 2019. 

Recommendation 3. The Director General should formalize the delegation of authority in the International Bureau by establishing, as soon as possible, the necessary administrative instructions and internal memorandums.

Recommendation 4.The Council of Administration should discontinue the application of article 12 of its rules of procedure to the approval of the UPU financial statements with immediate effect. The Council of Administration should ensure that the financial statements, including the full report of the external auditor, are discussed and approved by the Council of Administration in the years of Congress.

Recommendation 5. The Council of Administration should instruct the Director General to examine the different options for managing after-service health insurance liabilities, including for their funding, and submit a policy by 2020. The policy should take into account the reports of the United Nations Secretary-General on this issue and the related decisions of the General Assembly. 

Recommendation 6. The Council of Administration should instruct the Director General to include in the study on the future sustainability of the Provident Scheme of UPU, a comprehensive analysis of its possible transfer to the United Nations Joint Staff Pension Fund, including information on expected costs and savings, and present this analysis to the Council of Administration at its first session in 2018.

Recommendation 7. The Council of Administration should request the Director General to present a comprehensive report on human resources management and related activities to its first session in 2018, based on the model adopted by the Council of Administration in 2011 as the standard format for human resources management reporting, and use this model for future reporting. 

Recommendation 8. The Director General should finalize the human resources strategy for the 2017-2020 cycle as a matter of priority and present it to the second session of the Council of Administration in 2017 for information.

Recommendation 9. The Council of Administration should instruct the Director General to present to it at its first session in 2018 the revised Staff Regulations and Staff Rules for consideration and approval. The revision should reintegrate the conditions of service, including the elements of the revised common system compensation package, into the Staff Regulations. The Council of Administration might consider applying the good practice of the United Nations Secretariat of enumerating the conditions of service in annexes to the Staff Regulations.

Recommendation 10. The Council of Administration should study the possibility of establishing an independent audit committee, possibly by drawing on similar structures in place in other United Nations specialized agencies, such as the Independent Management Advisory Committee at the International Telecommunication Union, to assist the Council of Administration and the Director General in effectively fulfilling their governance and oversight responsibilities.


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