вторник, 11 июня 2013 г.

Запущено трансграничное использование многоязычных стандартных форм документов о рождении, смерти, браке, зарегистрированном партнерстве и правовом статусе организаций… Русский язык Европе не нужен?!

В развитие поста:

В мае я писал о том, что Европейская комиссия вышла с инициативой вбить кол в волокиту, покончив с бюрократическими упражнениями в отштамповке ряда официальных документов с целью признания их подлинными в соседнем государстве-члене ЕС. Например, такие как свидетельства о рождении, браке…

Глупо, неэкономно тратить время и деньги налогоплательщиков-европейцев, при переезде в другое государство-член ЕС, каждый раз демонстрировать-удостоверять, что официальные документы, выданные им родиной-матерью, являются подлинными. И что за современная такая эпоха, которая верит документам министерств иностранных дел. Ведь родина для европейцев одна – Совет Европы, Европа!

И вот – новость! Совет, заслушав доклад Комиссии о ее работе по свободному передвижению граждан и предприятий, связанном с упрощением документооборота в ЕС, попросил Комиссию начать работу по этим предложениям. Предложения направлены на упрощение процедур трансграничного использования и принятия официальных документов между государствами-членами ЕС, а также гармонизацию соответствующих правил, с целью привнесения в сознание граждан ЕС об отлаженном функционирующим едином рынке труда.

«Public documents» means documents issued by authorities of a Member State and having formal evidentiary value relating to: (a) birth; (b) death; (c) name; (d) marriage and registered partnership; (e) parenthood; (f) adoption; (g) residence; (h) citizenship and nationality; (i) real estate; (j) legal status and representation of a company or other undertaking; (k) intellectual property rights; (l) absence of a criminal record.

Chapter IV. Union multilingual standard forms
Article 11 Union multilingual standard forms concerning birth, death, marriage, registered partnership and legal status and representation of a company or other undertaking Union multilingual standard forms concerning birth, death, marriage, registered partnership and legal status and representation of a company or other undertaking are hereby established. Those Union multilingual standard forms shall be as set out in the Annexes.

Article 12 Issuance of Union multilingual standard forms 1. Union multilingual standard forms shall be made available by the authorities of a Member State to citizens and companies or other undertakings as an alternative to equivalent public documents existing in that Member State. 2. Union multilingual standard forms shall be issued upon request to citizens and companies or other undertakings entitled to receive the equivalent public documents existing in the issuing Member State and under the same conditions.

3. The authorities of a Member State shall issue a Union multilingual standard form if an equivalent public document exists in that Member State. Union multilingual standard forms shall be issued regardless of the denomination of equivalent public documents in that Member State. 4. Union multilingual standard forms shall bear their date of issue as well as the signature and seal of the issuing authority.

Article 13 Guidance on the use of Union multilingual standard forms The Commission shall develop detailed guidance on the use of Union multilingual standard forms and shall associate central authorities for that purpose by the means referred to in Article 10.

Article 14 Electronic versions of Union multilingual standard forms
The Commission shall develop electronic versions of Union multilingual standard forms or other formats suitable for electronic exchanges.
Article 15 Use and acceptance of Union multilingual standard forms 1. Union multilingual standard forms shall have the same formal evidentiary value as the equivalent public documents issued by the authorities of the issuing Member State. 2. Notwithstanding paragraph 1, Union multilingual standard forms shall not produce legal effects as regards the recognition of their content when they are presented in another Member State than the Member State where they were issued. 3. Union multilingual standard forms shall be accepted by the authorities of the Member States where they are presented without legalisation or similar formality. 4. The use of Union multilingual standard forms shall not be mandatory and shall not prejudice the use of equivalent public documents issued by authorities of the issuing Member State, or of other public documents or means of evidence.


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