вторник, 25 июня 2013 г.

Аналитический индекс ВТО как жирная точка в закате MoReq и бреда об обязательствах России в типовом обороте документов в АС?

Доступно третье издание «Аналитический индекс ВТО: путеводитель по праву и практике» в виде отредактированного компендиума ключевых материалов в рамках работы ВТО: отчеты, арбитражные решения, обзоры мероприятий комитетов, советов и др. органов организации. По сути, это единственный поисковый инструмент, который дает комплексное представление о многогранной деятельности ВТО, включающий работу членов в этих органах. Третье издание охватывает законодательство и практику ВТО с 1 января 1995 года по 30 сентября 2011.

Приложение к Аналитическому индексу охватывает новые изменения в законодательстве и практике ВТО после 30 сентября 2011. Оно обновляется в электронном виде на постоянной основе с учетом значимых событий юриспруденции и должно рассматриваться в качестве полезного, автономного руководства для читателей, интересующихся самыми последними событиями в законодательстве и практике ВТО.

Дополнение разделено на две части. Первая «Новые отчеты по урегулированию споров, постановления и решения» охватывает юриспруденцию после 30 сентября 2011. Вторая часть «Другие события в законодательстве и практике ВТО», содержит краткие экстракты из выборочных решений и значимых мероприятий комитетов и советов организации.


Ознакомившись, можно выявить массу подсказок в поисках документов, причем, недоступных в РФ. Например: «REPORT OF THE WORKING PARTY ON THE ACCESSION OF THE RUSSIAN FEDERATION TO THE WORLD TRADE ORGANIZATION» содержащий:

ECONOMY, ECONOMIC POLICIES AND FOREIGN TRADE: - Fiscal and Monetary Policies, - Foreign Exchange and Payments System, - Investment Regime, - Privatization and Enterprises that are State-Owned or –Controlled, Enterprises with Special or Exclusive Privileges: - (a) Privatization, - (b) Enterprises that are State-Owned or -Controlled, Enterprises with Special or Exclusive Privileges, - Pricing Policies, - Competition Policy.

FRAMEWORK FOR MAKING AND ENFORCING POLICIES: - Powers of executive, legislative and judicial branches of government, - Framework of the Customs Union among the Russian Federation, the Republic of Kazakhstan and the Republic of Belarus, - (a) Legal Framework Establishing the Customs Union, - (b) Customs Union Structure and Competency in the Area of Trade, - (c) The Interstate Council of EurAsEC, - (d) The EurAsEC Court, - (e) The Customs Union Commission, - (f) The Secretariat of the Customs Union Commission, - (g) Decision Making within the Customs Union Bodies, - (h) Areas of Customs Union Commission Competency, - (i) Transparency, - (j) Implementation of WTO Commitments under the Customs Union Regime, - Government entities responsible for making and implementing policies affecting foreign trade; Right of Appeal, - Division of authority between central and sub-central governments.

POLICIES AFFECTING TRADE IN GOODS: - Registration requirements for import/export operations, - (a) Alcoholic beverages, - (b) Pharmaceuticals, - (c) Goods with Encryption Technology, - (d) Precious stones and metals, - (e) Other licensing requirements 1. Import Regulations: - Customs Regulations and Procedures, - Ordinary Customs Duties, - Tariff Exemptions, - Tariff Quotas, - Other Duties and Charges, - Fees and Charges for Services Rendered, - (a) Customs Fees, - (b) Other Fees, - Application of Internal Taxes on Imports, - (a) Excise Taxes, - (b) Value Added Tax,- Quantitative Import Restrictions, including Prohibitions and Quotas and Import Licensing Systems: - (a) Quantitative Import Restrictions, including Prohibitions and Quotas, - (b) Import Licensing Systems, - (i) Sugar, - (ii) Alcoholic beverages and Alcohol-Containing Products, - (iii) Pharmaceuticals, - (iv) Products with Encryption Technology, - Customs Valuation, - Rules of Origin, - Other Customs Formalities, - Preshipment Inspection, - Balance of payments,

- Anti-dumping, countervailing and safeguard measures, - (a) Transitional Regime, - (b) Regime established Under the Agreement of 25 January 2008 2. Export Regulations: - Export Duties, - Application of VAT Refund to Exports, - Quantitative Export Restrictions, Including Prohibitions and Quotas: (a) Precious stones and metals, - Export Licensing Procedures, - Other Customs Export Formalities 3. Internal Policies Affecting Foreign Trade in Goods: - Industrial policy, including subsidy policies, - Technical Barriers to Trade: - (a) Legal Framework, - (b) Institutions, - (c) Technical Regulations, International and National Standards, and Conformity Assessment Procedures, - (i) Technical Regulations, - (ii) Technical requirements not subject to Federal Law No. 184-FZ, - (iii) Voluntary National and International Standards, - (iv) Disposition of Mandatory National Standards of the Russian Federation, - (v) Transparency and Notification, - (vi) Conformity Assessment Procedures including the Accreditation of Conformity Assessment Bodies, - Sanitary and Phytosanitary Measures, - (a) General Regulatory Framework for Trade in Agricultural Products and Compliance with WTO SPS Obligations, - (b) Competent Authorities for the Regulation of Trade in Agricultural Products, - (i) Customs Union Authorities, - (ii) National Authorities, - (c) Development of Technical Regulations/Mandatory Requirements on SPS, - (d) Participation in International Organizations in the SPS Sphere,- (e) Regime for Trade in Products Subject to Veterinary Control, - (i) Import Permits for Goods Subject to Veterinary (Sanitary) Control, - (ii) Transit through the Russian Federation of Goods Subject to Veterinary (Sanitary) Control, - (iii) Veterinary Certificates, - (iv) Establishment Approval through Systems Audits, Guarantees and Inspections, - (v) Resident Inspectors, - (f) Importation of Products Subject to Quarantine Control, - (g) Protection of Human Health, - (h) Compliance of the SPS Regime with Specific Provisions of the WTO SPS Agreement, (i) Harmonization with International Standards and Norms: - (ii) Risk Assessment, - (iii) Regionalization, - (iv) Equivalence, - (v) Non-discrimination, - (i) Transparency, Notification and Enquiry Point Obligations, - (j) Proportionality, Necessity, and Reasonableness, - (k) Issues Related to Irregularities or Fraud, - (l) Conclusion, - Trade-Related Investment Measures (TRIMs), - (a) Production Sharing Agreements, - (b) Domestic Motor Vehicle and Components Industry, - (c) Aircraft area, - (d) Diamonds, - (e) Conclusion, - Special Economic Zones: - (a) Basic Law on SEZs, - (b) Kaliningrad SEZ, - (c) Magadan SEZ, - (d) The CU Agreement on SEZs, - Government Procurement, - Regulation of Trade in Transit, - Policies Affecting Foreign Trade in Agricultural Products, - Trade in Civil Aircraft.

TRADE-RELATED INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY REGIME (TRIPS): 1. General, - Participation in international treaties. 2. Standards concerning availability, scope and use of intellectual property rights:- Copyright and Related Rights, - Trademarks, - Geographical Indications, - Industrial Designs and Patents,- Plant Variety and Animal Breed Protection, - Layout Designs of Integrated Circuits, - Requirements on undisclosed information, including trade secrets and test data. Responsible Authorities. 3. Enforcement: - General provisions, - Civil and Administrative Procedures and Remedies, - Border Measures, - Criminal Measures.


Из другого источника прелюбопытная коллизия оспаривания Китаем состава услуги по электронному или цифровому распространению звукозаписей. Соединенные Штаты заявили, что Китай поддерживал определенные меры, несовместимые с его конкретными обязательствами в отношении услуги по распределению материалов для чтения, аудиовизуальной продукции и звукозаписи.

In China - Publications and Audiovisual Products, a number of China's measures were challenged under its Accession Protocol, the GATS and GATT 1994. With respect to the GATS, the United States claimed that China maintained certain measures inconsistent with its specific commitments with respect to distribution services of reading materials, audiovisual products and sound recordings. In particular, under the claims concerning electronic distribution of sound recordings, the parties disputed on what the services at issue were.

The Panel noted that the panel request had specified electronic distribution as «digital distribution». It then looked into the meaning of «digital»: In examining the dictionary meaning of «digital», we note that it refers in a technical sense to «signals or information represented by discrete numeric values of a physical quantity such as voltage or magnetic polarization (commonly representing the digits 0 and 1)». In a more general sense, the same dictionary states that «digital» can refer to «the use of computer technology or digital communications, especially digital multimedia and the Internet». Looking at this more general meaning of «digital», we take particular note of the use of the qualifying phrase «especially digital media and the Internet». This indicates to us that there can exist «digital» communications other than over the Internet, which might include, for example, mobile telephone networks. From this we deduce that there can also be «digital» distribution other than through the Internet.

We see no contextual reason to restrict the scope of the term «digital» in the US claim solely to distribution over the Internet. We therefore find that the US claim relating to the «electronic distribution of sound recordings» include their distribution through the Internet or by other electronic means. We shall refer to these services in this part as the «services at issue».

А вот что понимается под дефиницией «контекст» в статье 31(2) Венской конвенции: Article 31(2) of the Vienna Convention defines «context» as follows: The context for the purpose of the interpretation of a treaty shall comprise, in addition to the text, including its preamble and annexes: (a) any agreement relating to the treaty which was made between all the parties in connexion with the conclusion of the treaty; (b) any instrument which was made by one or more parties in connexion with the conclusion of the treaty and accepted by the other parties as an instrument related to the treaty.


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