вторник, 21 августа 2018 г.

Цифровая Европа 2021-2027: амбициозная программа поддержки крупномасштабного развертывания и оптимального использования цифрового потенциала инноваций для общественных интересов и бизнеса

2 мая 2018 Европейская комиссия одобрила предложения по новым многолетним финансовым рамкам (MFF) на период 2021-2027. Бюджет программы «Цифровая Европа» за этот период составит €9,194 млрд.

The previous sections have highlighted the scale of the problem, the size of the funding gap, the urgency to act and the key role public investment at EU level could play, as a first mover to unlock the potential of the digital transformation. The proposed programme is structured around two main types of activities. To enable the digital transformation Europe must: first, reinforce its digital capacities in key digital technology areas (HPC and data, AI, cybersecurity and trust, and advanced digital skills), and secondly, make available and deploy digital capacities across societies and economies.

These activities will be implemented, preserving competition within the internal market, not fettering private investment and in a non-discriminatory and transparent manner. The programme would correspondingly be structured around five interdependent pillars.


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