четверг, 18 октября 2018 г.

ОЭСР: Документоведение в отчете «Борьба со сговорами в сфере государственных закупок»

ОЭСР опубликовал отчет по имплементации Рекомендации 2012 Совета по борьбе с фальсификацией тендерных заявок в государственных закупках, где раскрыты процедуры государственных закупок, предназначенные для поощрения конкуренции и снижения риска фальсификации тендерных заявок. Сговор на торгах, т. е. соглашения между участниками торгов об устранении конкуренции в процессе закупок, тем самым повышая цены, снижая качество и/или ограничивая предложение, представляет собой серьезный риск для эффективности и добросовестности государственных закупок и лишает государственный сектор реальных возможностей для достижения соотношения цены и качества. По этой причине борьба с подтасовкой заявок стала одним из приоритетных направлений деятельности органов по вопросам конкуренции во всем мире.

Эта рекомендация часто служит основой для национальных стратегий борьбы с подтасовкой заявок, помогая государственным органам разрабатывать тендерные заявки, способствующие эффективной конкуренции, и разрабатывать инструменты для выявления случаев подтасовки заявок. Эта рекомендация также обеспечила аналитическую основу для страновых проектов, осуществляемых Секретариатом ОЭСР в сотрудничестве с национальными учреждениями в странах-членах и странах, не являющихся членами ОЭСР.

B. Checklist for detecting bid rigging in public procurement. Bid-rigging agreements can be very difficult to detect as they are typically negotiated in secret. In industries where collusion is common, however, suppliers and purchasers may be aware of long-standing bid-rigging conspiracies. In most industries, it is necessary to look for clues such as unusual bidding or pricing patterns, or something that the vendor says or does. Be on guard throughout the entire procurement process, as well as during your preliminary market research.

2. Look for warning signs in all documents submitted. Telltale signs of a bid-rigging conspiracy can be found in the various documents that companies submit. Although companies that are part of the bid-rigging agreement will try to keep it secret, carelessness, or boastfulness or guilt on the part of the conspirators, may result in clues that ultimately lead to its discovery. Carefully compare all documents for evidence that suggests that the bids were prepared by the same person or were prepared jointly. - Identical mistakes in the bid documents or letters submitted by different companies, such as spelling errors. - Bids from different companies contain similar handwriting or typeface or use identical forms or stationery. - Bid documents from one company make express reference to competitors’ bids or use another bidder’s letterhead or fax number. - Bids from different companies contain identical miscalculations. - Bids from different companies contain a significant number of identical estimates of the cost of certain items. - The packaging from different companies has similar postmarks or post metering machine marks. - Bid documents from different companies indicate numerous last minute adjustments, such as the use of erasures or other physical alterations. - Bid documents submitted by different companies contain less detail than would be necessary or expected, or give other indications of not being genuine. - Competitors submit identical tenders or the prices submitted by bidders increase in regular increments.

7. Steps procurement officials should take if bid rigging is suspected. If you suspect that bid rigging is occurring, there are a number of steps you should take in order to help uncover it and stop it… - Keep all documents, including bid documents, correspondence, envelopes, etc. - Keep a detailed record of all suspicious behaviour and statements including dates, who was involved, and who else was present and what precisely occurred or was said. Notes should be made during the event or while they are fresh in the official’s memory so as to provide an accurate description of what transpired… 


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